Gone girl is a thriller directed by David Fincher, based on the book by Gillian Flynn. The movie was released in 2014 and produced by Reese Witherspoon. The movie features themes such as Marriage, Romance, Betrayal, Hate and Lies.
David fincher showed the audience the media's power to influence and conveyed to us how the story can often be inaccurate or incorrect. The couple lied to each other and the world and through the media the lie was escalated, twisted and turned. The audience based on their perception took it the way the media intended and they were easily swayed from the contrasting emotion of love and hate towards Nick Dunn and Margo Dunn.
The movie in various scenes use fade out transition to move from one shot to another. This is to create a tense atmosphere in the movie by adding the feeling of fatality to the scene, as he only uses it in important scenes towards the end of the movie. Example being when Nick realised he would have to stay with Amy, and when Amy killed Desi with a box cutter. This adds impact to the scenes.
Furthermore in the box cutter scene the fade out with the pulsing noise sound track creates tension, the fade out makes the audience a scene of disorientation as if the eyes of the audience is constantly closing and shutting which adds even more of a shock factor to the scene.
Ultimately david fincher conveys the gullibility of an audience and how they shouldn't be so easily swayed.
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