Teacher's pet is thriller drama targeted at a teen audience and set in the 21st century school. With themes of Good vs Evil, manipulation and the misuse of influence. Its about a 17 year old boy called Ben Miller who is facing trauma from an incident where he's manipulative primary school teacher made his class commit suicide, now his primary school teacher is back to do at his six form to do a similar thing meaning Ben miller has to stop him before he destroys his school. In my script I choose a scene that shows the characteristics and situation of the two main characters, Ben Miller and the teacher, the script shows how Ben miller is bullied, brave, clever and has a habit of talking to himself and is also shows the teacher's charm, superior intellect and manipulative skills. Then the film poster and the DVD cover will be the same image on the front cover dark, depressing and serious. The typography of the title will be bold. This will suit the genre of the film and also highlight the tone of the film.
In the production of Teachers pet I will consider the target audience and genre of the movie to make the movie as captivating as possible. Firstly due to it being a thriller to a teen audience the movie especially the cast and mise-en scene has to be as realistic and relatable as possible for a teen audience. So showing its set in a school with cast of teenagers of young adults would be relatable for a teen audience. Because of the teacher is the main antagonist is a teacher its also a antagonist an audience of teenagers can relate to.
For my research I choose these 3 movies: 'Gone girl', 'The guest', 'Mr brooks'. First of all I choose all these movies due to the fact that they are thrillers and could give me better insight into the conventions of a thriller, which are they are always about ordinary people in extra ordinary situation. Secondly I choose those three movies specifically because they all involved a smart, cold and calculating psychopath of an antagonist or antihero, which is very similar to the teacher in my story. These thrillers start of in a state of equilibrium but always descend into a dark and serious tone. Most thrillers often involve murder or some sort of crime. They always display ordinary characters usually in a normal settings (city, a suburban area or a household) involved extraordinary situations.
For my preproduction, I wrote a script which was 8 pages with 5 scenes from the Teacher's pet. I used a similar formats that I saw when I read scripts such as Gone girl and pulp fiction. Which said the location and time of day at the start of the scene.
I also did a poster of Teachers pet and used posters such as Shutter Island and Mr Brooks for ideas of the conventions of a thriller poster. I saw that most thriller posters for example these two have a central image and often use red technical codes to connote to danger. I had a hugh amount of trouble using photo shop to create this poster however I had got around that issue by getting a lot of assistance and expert help around my college.
I wanted to go for a combination of the style from my two exemplars for my poster. Just like the two posters I used as a template, I have a central image of my main protagonist, Ben miller. This will convey to the audience he's an important character in the story. The picture I used is of him in his room in squatted in the fetal position, which highlights the character's sadness, fear and state of trauma. In the back ground there is a picture of a noose on a child's neck which connotes to how the teacher manipulated the children into committing suicide. The use of dark colours on the poster adds an ominous feel and highlights that the tone is dark and sinister. The use of red was to stick to the conventions of thriller posters but in particular I used it for the phrase "The teacher's" was to show the teacher as being dangerous and highlight he's sinister and I used a formal font for the word due to teacher being formal profession; to add my own twist to my poster I used a font called snake skin/ snake jacket for the word "PETS" because the snake print connotes to pet, also the font colour is a colour that is similar to the colour of fur which is also connotation to pets. I included star rating that suggests the quality of the film and made them bright red in so they can stand out and be visible, because that will attract audiences to watch the film. The tagline 'not just "another brick in the wall"' refers to the Pink Floyd song called another brick in the wall, about how teachers are ruining children and teachers should leave kids alone.
I used film 4 as a production company for this because I felt that they were an appropriate film producer since they produce a lot British and american movies that a thrillers
On my poster the strength of my poster is that I have kept to all the conventions of a thriller poster by including the age rating, production company logo, tag line, title, credit blocks, red and dark technical codes. The weakness could be that the poster is too dark so you can hardly make out the back ground with the noose on the child's neck.
For my DVD cover I used the same image from my poster on the front cover because it makes that picture more recognizable since the audience will be used to that picture from the poster. I kept my poster and my DVD cover similar using a lot dark colour codes. For my DVD cover I got inspiration from Mr Brooks and V for Vendetta. My biggest problem was getting the DVD cover to be the right dimension to fit the DVD case. After days and days of trying different things and asking for alot of help, I ended up having to flatten the layers on photo shop and making it bigger and smaller until I got the right size.

My front image of the DVD is similar to the image on the poster, difference being the added DVD logo, the 12 rating and the production company. Designing the back was the most tasking part of of the DVD. For the back ground I kept it dark because it suits the ominous tone of the DVD. I added an old looking image of kids from the Ben millers primary school lining up. I added a picture of a scene from the movie with two characters from the movie Ben and Jake next to the bright yellow blurb so its readable and visible. The weaknesses to the DVD is that the back could look more professional by adding a longer blurb and better pictures.
Overall my final pieces were produced to similar quality as a professional thriller movie print based text because I thought that the layout of the poster highlights the feel and tone of the movie. The weaknesses of the DVD is I could have filt
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